Drink celebrated 13 years in the industry this June 2023. That means 13 years of partnership and collaboration with corporations, non-governmental organizations, foundations, and advocacy groups for sustainability communication needs. During this time, we produced together 130 annual and sustainability reports and more than a hundred materials and programs for sustainability and development communications.
While Drink remains committed to helping partners tell their stories so that they might inspire others to bring positive change, we are also taking a bolder step in our approach to be able to help our partners drive sustainability forward within their respective industries and communities.
Drink is going beyond communications, expanding to include carbon management in our list of services, specifically, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Accounting.
Drink is one of the pioneering members of the Net Zero Carbon Alliance in the Philippines and is actively driving the crucial agenda of reducing carbon emissions with the vision of guiding companies toward their Net Zero goals.
Why is it important to work towards Net Zero? Over the years, we have accelerated and significantly increased GHG levels in the atmosphere because of our activities, particularly burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. The need to transition is now as Net zero is crucial to limit global warming and reduce the adverse effects of climate change. A net zero economy is our way towards ensuring a sustainable future for our planet and the generations to come.
GHG emissions accounting will help companies and businesses track their emissions performance, helping them manage and take action on controlling their emissions. It is the first step towards Net Zero.
Many countries have already set goals to achieve net zero emissions by specific target years; for example, Japan and Korea have committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Many others are moving towards the goal as well by making pledges and declarations or through policy frameworks. If the Philippines is to follow, carbon management or GHG emissions accounting sets the stage in capturing a business or company’s carbon footprint.
Let us join the global effort to reduce our carbon footprint and drive positive change in our industry. We at Drink are here to support and assist your efforts to be a leader in sustainability.
Harris Guevarra
Drink President and CEO