Preparing ahead and getting ready for our next partnership

Now that Drink’s major reports and deliverables have been accomplished, it is time once again for the organization to prepare for the next year and set the stage for more efficient operations. Drink is currently focused on upskilling, doing an organizational review, setting face-to-face meetups with employees and clients alike, and learning the latest on sustainability reporting.
This quarter is important, as it is during this season that we review the past year’s issues and challenges in our processes and come up with solutions. During this time, we also equip ourselves with new knowledge and learn about the latest updates on sustainability reporting and communications, to be able to provide up-to-date solutions.
In this issue, you will find useful tools like the Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions calculator and learnings from our previous events.
Additionally, we included the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) update that may have impacts on how Philippine corporations do their reports.
We hope that you find the updates relevant and that they help you prepare for the next reporting season. We are excited to work with you and be part of your next projects!
Harris Guevarra
Drink President and CEO