Thriving Together: Employee Mental Health as a Sustainability Initiative

In 2019, Drink CEO Harris Guevarra had an idea. Why not consider adopting a hybrid work setup that allows Drink employees to lessen the stress of commuting and improve their mental health in the process? “I felt like it was important for us to walk the talk,” he shares. “We’re doing sustainability—we’re helping organizations become […]
The 2023 Drink Games Brings Employees Together

As part of its team building initiatives, Drink’s Human Resources Department launched a company-wide activity called the Drink Games: Department Edition 2023. These are conducted during the monthly town hall sessions, where Drink’s departments face off against each other in a series of challenges. The challenges range from games of Pictionary to trivia competitions about […]
We Worked with Cebu Landmasters to Complete Their 2022 Integrated Report

We have been partnering with Cebu Landmasters, Inc. since 2021. Together, we created their 2022 Integrated Report, called “Maestro: Next Level.” The report centers on how the company balances delivering excellent performance with furthering its efforts to embed sustainability in its operations and value chain. For this report, Drink provided these services: data gathering and […]
Drink Completes PSFI’s 2022 Annual Report

We worked with Pilipinas Shell Foundation, Inc. (PSFI) to craft their 2022 Annual Report entitled, “Turning our Vision into Real Impact: 40 Years of Moving Filipinos Further.” This is the seventh year of our partnership with PSFI, and we are proud to present yet another excellent report! The report showcases how PSFI has increased its […]
We Are Developing FCF Minerals Corporation’s 2023 Sustainability Report

We’re thrilled to be starting a new partnership with FCF Minerals Corporation! The UK-registered company handles gold and molybdenum mining projects in the Philippines. FCF’s upcoming 2023 Sustainability Report will showcase how it practices responsible mining operations in Nueva Vizcaya. Drink will provide the following services for the report: story conference, creative concept development, editorial […]
Drink Partnered with Start Network for Their 2021 and 2022 Annual Reports

Our fruitful partnership with Start Network has made it possible for us to help them develop their 2021 and 2022 annual reports. For both reports, we provided editorial and design services as well as story conferences. Their 2021 Report, called “A New Era of Humanitarian Action,” chronicles how the non-profit organization has been taking steps […]
A Look Back on Our Reports with Megawide and AGI

We have been partners with Megawide for the past three years and with AGI for the last two. Together, we communicate the progress in their sustainability efforts and encourage engagement with their stakeholders. We have produced three reports for Megawide: For these reports, we provided editorial and design services, a sustainability kickoff workshop, a story […]
Drink Works Together with Monde Nissin Corporation to Develop Newsletters for the “Making Better Possible” Campaign

To increase awareness about Monde Nissin Corporation’s “Making Better Possible” campaign, we are working with them to craft digital newsletters that center on their sustainability efforts. Drink will provide editorial and design services for this project. The newsletter will include news stories on the company’s sustainability progress, feature stories about its people and partners, tips […]
Drink Begins Designing a Microsite for Monde Nissin’s “Making Better Possible” Campaign

Monde Nissin Corporation’s “Making Better Possible” campaign aims to communicate the company’s sustainability initiatives and achievements to the public. This campaign informs stakeholders about where the company stands in its sustainability journey, including what it has accomplished thus far and how it plans to improve moving forward. Drink will design the upcoming microsite for the […]
Drink and Forest Foundation Philippines Educate the Public About the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park Through a Print Booklet

To raise support and awareness for the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park (NSMNP), Forest Foundation Philippines is continuing its Digital Storytelling project. With Drink’s help, the group created a 10-page booklet that contains important information about the park, making this knowledge more accessible to a wider audience. The contents of the booklet reflect the same […]