The report is just the beginning: URC taps Drink to create sustainability report, microsite, and AVP

At Drink, we believe that creating a sustainability report is just the start. Reaching out to your stakeholders and bridging communication gaps is what will truly deliver results. Working with clients who want to maximize communication channels is something that we always look forward to. In 2016, Universal Robina Corporation (URC), the first Philippine multinational, […]
The Materiality Principle: Zeroing in on Pilipinas Shell’s most important issues

Behind the numbers, you find the people that matter. At Drink, we believe that a sustainability report should be a tool to help companies understand and communicate what is truly important: how their environmental, social, and economic performance impacts their key stakeholders. “At Pilipinas Shell, sustainability means strengthening our operations to allow us to become […]
A collaborative first: Crafting UnionBank of the Philippines’ first sustainability report

What if a bank can do more? This was a question posed to the executives and employees of UnionBank of the Philippines (UnionBank), a publicly listed universal corporate and retail bank in the Philippines, that provides financial services to top corporations, retired pensioners, and small and medium enterprises. With the help of Drink Editorial and […]
San Roque Power Corporation AVP 2016

Drink worked with the San Roque Power Corporation to bring about its 2016 AVP. This tells SRPC’s story of nurturing both the communities and the environment, transforming lives for better.
Energy Development Corporation (EDC)

Our country continues on its upward path as we work together towards nation development. Drink once again worked with Energy Development Corporation (EDC) to publish Rekindling and Renewing, EDC’s 2015 Annual and Sustainability Report, which details the organization’s efforts to develop its renewable energy platforms to bring us closer to a low-carbon world. With its […]
First Gen

First Gen takes its sustainability strategy a step further with its first sustainability report for 2015, Uniting and Uplifting, designed and developed by Drink. First Gen is committed to be the Philippines’ preferred provider of sustainable energy—and this is the story behind Uniting and Uplifting. Powered by good, First Gen continues to make conscious business […]
Zuellig Family Foundation (ZFF)

DRINK also aided the Zuellig Family Foundation (ZFF) with its 2013 Annual Report. The report includes a feature on ZFF’s efforts to contribute to the rehabilitation of communities devastated by Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda through its leadership program in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Also in the report is a breakdown of ZFF’s strategies […]
Team Energy

DRINK provided consulting services and contributed to Team Energy’s 3rd Sustainability Report. Team Energy is a partnership between Japanese firms Tokyo Electric Power Company and Marubeni Corporation and is one of the largest independent power producers in the Philippines at 2000 megawatts of installed generating capacity. The Sustainability Report covers Team Energy’s performance during the […]
San Roque Power Corporation (SRPC)

DRINK collaborated with the San Roque Power Corporation (SRPC) to create the company’s profile Audio Visual Presentation (AVP). The presentation highlights how aside from producing clean hydro-powered energy, SRPC is also able to energize lives in communities surrounding the hydropower facility through the power of water. Communities benefit from irrigation, flood attenuation, downstream water quality […]
Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI)

DRINK helped the Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI) under the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) produce their 2014 annual report entitled FAB! Fabric Applications and Beyond.Featured in the report are PTRI’s 2014 modernization through innovations from their Research and Development Department. In 2014, PTRI also received the National Academy of Science and Technology’s (NAST) […]